Palestinian photojournalist Moath Amarneh was seriously injured while covering protests in Surif, near the West Bank city of Hebron, November 15, 2019.

2019 Report: 255 Violations against Journalists in OPT by Israeli Forces

During 2019, Israeli military forces committed 255 violations against journalists and media institutions working in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT). These figures appear in the annual report prepared by WAFA, the Palestine News and Information Agency, which the organization released on Sunday, January 5. The violations included the firing of live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets and…

The tail wagging the dog: PM Netanyahu and US President Trump at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, May 23, 2017

After Primary Victory, Netanyahu Vows to Get US to Back Annexation

In a speech on Friday morning, December 27, far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed his “final and sweeping” victory in the Likud primary on Thursday, thanking US President Donald Trump and vowing to bring US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over its West Bank settlements — a move tantamount to annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories.…

The International Criminal Court's (ICC) Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda

MK Cassif on ICC Announcement: Israelis Have to Look Squarely at Crimes Committed in Their Name

Since the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced there’s reasonable basis to probe Israel for war crimes against Palestinians, Israeli media and officials have been quick to spread false conclusions and arouse a deep political debate. In light of Bensouda’s statement, Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar stated on Sunday, December 22, that “a few days…

International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda

Hadash: ICC Investigation into the Situation in Palestine is Justified

Hadash welcomed the announcement by the Chief Prosecutor of the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, on Friday December 20, that her office is going to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine in relation to Israeli crimes against the occupied Palestinian people. “Today, I announce that following a thorough, independent and objective…

UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses a special session of the Italian parliament on Wednesday, December 16.

UN Secretary-General Guterres: Construction in Settlements Must Cease Immediately and Completely

The United Nations Special Coordinator to the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, told the Security Council on Wednesday, December 18, that Israel advanced or approved plans for over 22,000 housing units in West Bank settlements and East Jerusalem in the three years since the council adopted a resolution condemning settlements in lands the Palestinians want for their…