Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists brandish red flags and Joint List banners during the mass protest held in Jerusalem against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saturday night, March 20, 2021.

Last Pre-Election Weekend, Tens of Thousands Protest Netanyahu Rule

With just three days before Israel’s fourth election in two years tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23, the weekly protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued last Saturday night, March 20, in city squares, at major intersections, and along highway overpasses throughout the country. The protests were organized under the slogans “Go vote,” “Replace the government,” and…

Today, Live Zoom Conversation in English with MK Touma-Sliman

For the fourth time in three years, far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has assembled an alliance of ultra-capitalists, Kahanists, and religious fundamentalists towards the upcoming election. However, when voting on March 23 for the 24th Knesset, remember that the Joint List is the only Arab-Jewish democratic option. Today, Tuesday, March2, a Zoom conversation in English will…