International Campaign: Amdocs Must Recognize Workers’ Union

In April 2015, workers at Amdocs-Israel, the local branch of a large multi-national software firm, started to organize in the Histadrut – the General Federation of Labor in Israel – with the intention of forming an employees’ committee which would negotiate a collective agreement with company management. Following the workers’ organization initiative, an aggressive anti-union…

Thousands of contract workers, Jews and Arabs, protested last Thursday, July 16, at the Habima Square in downtown Tel-Aviv as part of the struggle being waged by labor unions to reduce the number of contract workers being employed by public institutions.

Histadrut Calls Off General Strike after Reaching Agreement on Contract Workers

Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon and Histadrut (General Federation of Labor in Israel) chairman Avi Nissenkorn have reached understandings that will end the labor dispute over the employment of contract workers. The general strike planned to start on Wednesday has consequently been called off. Kahlon and Nissenkorn began formulating the understandings after discussing the matter…