Thousands Rally Against Occupation in Tel-Aviv, Protests Against Govt Continued for the 22nd Week

Thousands of Israelis gathered Saturday evening against occupation of the Palestinian territories and to protest fascist plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government. The rally was held under the initiative of Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) and the Communist Party of Israel and sponsored by a large number of peace and…

Over 100,000 Israelis Renew Anti-Gov’t Protests in 20 Cities

Well over 100,000 Israelis demonstrated on Saturday evening for the fifth straight week against the far-right government proposed in dozens of locations throughout the country, including in Haifa, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Kfar Saba, Modi’in, Nes Ziona, Herzliya, Caesarea, Beit Shemesh, Karmiel, Nof HaGalil, Eilat and two locations in Tel Aviv, at Habima Square and on Kaplan…

Palestinian Detainee Ends Hunger Strike After 141 Days

An agreement was reached Tuesday night to end Palestinian prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash’s 141-day hunger strike, which threatened to renew hostilities between Israel and Gaza militant groups over his deteriorating condition and imminent danger to his life. According to Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), Abu Hawash weighed 86 kilograms (190 pounds) before his hunger strike. By December…

Union of Agricultural Work Committees activists during the olive harvest in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The white banner reads: "The volunteer campaign for harvesting olives – We will defend our land… We will support our farmers."

Hadash Denounces Israel’s Assault on 6 Palestinian HR & CS Groups

The decision last Friday, October 22, by the Israeli Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, to label six Palestinian human rights (HR) and civil society (CS) groups as “terror organizations” has elicited a swift and fierce backlash slamming the move from Palestinians, Hadash, international organizations and US politicians. Union of Agricultural Work Committees activists during the…