Jewish settlement in Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem

September 30: English Language Study Tour of East Jerusalem

On Friday, September 30, Ir Amim’s will be holding its next English-language study tour of East Jerusalem. The tour provides participants with ground-level exposure to Israel’s unilaterally annexed, eastern-half of the city and creates a platform for critically assessing the idea of Jerusalem as the “eternal, undivided capital of Israel” and understanding the city’s fundamental…

Israeli occupation forces stop Palestinians at an army roadblock in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Al Issawiya, on October 15, 2015. Israel set up checkpoints in the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and mobilized hundreds of soldiers to man them after recent attacks by Palestinians. Their continued presence violates the human rights of the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and is suspected to be intentionally motivated as a form of collective punishment.

ACRI: End Partial Closure Imposed on Occupied East Jerusalem

According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), the decision of Israeli authorities to deploy dozens of roadblocks and inspection checkpoints around occupied East Jerusalem, constitutes unlawful, collective punishment for 350,000 male and female residents of East Jerusalem who make up approximately 40% of the city’s population. Two weeks have passed since the…

Study Tour in English of Occupied East Jerusalem

A study tour in English of occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem will be given by Ir Amim on Friday August 28. Ir Amim’s study tours provide ground-level exposure to East Jerusalem, creating a platform for critically assessing the notion of Jerusalem as the “eternal, undivided capital of Israel” and understanding the city’s fundamental role in the…