Nixed Musical About Occupation Soldiers Sparks Protests

Dozens of figures from Israel’s cultural scene signed a letter released Wednesday calling on far-right Culture Minister Chili Tropper to intervene following the cancellation last month at the Fringe Theater in Beersheba of a performance of a musical featuring the testimonies of female occupation soldiers serving in the West Bank that were collected by Breaking…

Bakr Hussein Mohammad, aged 3, was injured by stones thrown by Israeli settlers while napping in his family's home the South Hebron Hills, Tuesday, September 28.

Settlers Stone Palestinians, Injuring 12 Including Toddler, near Hebron

Dozens of masked Israeli settlers hurled stones at Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills in the occupied territories on Tuesday afternoon, September 28, damaging cars and injuring at least 12 Palestinians, including a three-year-old boy, Palestinian and Israeli witnesses said. Some 16 Palestinian cars were damaged by the settlers’ stone-throwing, including one that flipped over on…

Demonstrators march through central West Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem, Friday, June 11.

More Solidarity Demonstrations with Residents of Sheikh Jarrah

Two more demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem threatened with eviction orders were held Friday, June 11. In Sheikh Jarrah and the nearby neighborhood of Silwan, more than 100 Palestinian families are facing lawsuits at different stages, and over 1,000 Palestinians are at risk of mass displacement from these two areas alone.…