Prominent members of the Joint List lead a protest march against Trump's "Deal of the Century" in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Saturday, February 1: From right to left, Hadash MK Youssef Jabarrin; (in second row) Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel, Adel Amer; Secretary General of Hadash, Mansour Dehamshe; first from left, Assam Makhoul, former MK from Hadash and current Chairman of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian & Israeli Studies; second from left, MK Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al).

Voices from the Left: Trump’s Plan, One for Annexation, Not for Peace

When, amidst his characteristic bombast, US President Donald Trump festively revealed his “Deal of the Century” last week in Washington, he repeated the terms “peace plan” and “Palestinian state” several times. In response, Peace Now has written, “Despite the seemingly appropriate words and the celebratory atmosphere, an examination of the details of the plan, clearly…

UN Relief Coordinator, Ursula Mueller

UN Calls for International Support for Occupied Palestinian Territories

Following a six-day visit to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt), the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ursula Mueller, called on the international community to ensure continued commitment and consistent and sustained funding to help alleviate the challenges faced by Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, including…

Palestinians and Israelis protest against the occupation in the West Bank, March 2018

Bennett Directs Banning of Peace Activists from Occupied West Bank

According to a directive issued Saturday night, January 18, by far-right Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, from now on the Israeli military can make use of wholesale administrative restraining orders to ban Israeli peace activists from entering the occupied West Bank. This marks the first time the Defense Ministry has determined that blanket injunctions can be used…