A demonstration against the gas deal in Tel-Aviv

Supreme Court Rejects Netanyahu-Backed Natural Gas Deal

Israel’s Supreme Court rejected Sunday afternoon, March 27, Israel’s natural gas legislation which had been sponsored, lobbied for, and signed by neo-liberal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The judges rejected the “stability clause,” a sine quo non for the entire plan – thus torpedoing it altogether. The stability clause prohibited the government and Knesset from changing…

Footage from the B'Tselem video documenting the extrajudicial execution in Hebron, March 24, 2016

Political Storm Gathers Strength after Video Shows Soldier Killing Wounded Palestinian in Hebron

The political storm over a B’Tselem video showing an Israeli soldier shooting a Palestinian in the head is gathering apace. The soldier who opened fire on a Palestinian attacker has been arrested by the Military Police’s criminal investigations department, IDF Spokesman Brigadier-General Moti Almoz said on Thursday afternoon, March 24. “Israel over the last several…

MK Dov Khenin with the bill that would prohibit restaurants in Israel from counting tips for waiters towards their salaries and force management instead to pay them minimum wage

Government Rejects Paying Minimum Wage to Waiters

Far-right government ministers voted Sunday, March 6, against a bill that would prohibit restaurants in Israel from counting tips for waiters towards their salaries and force them instead to pay their staff minimum wage. According to Hadash MK Dov Khenin (Joint List), who submitted the bill in 2013, the legislation would prevent the exploitation of…

ACRI Report Condemns Bill Allowing Suspension of MKs

Prior to the discussion in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Knesset on February 23, 2016 on the proposed bill which would allow the Knesset to indefinitely suspend any member of that body for “inappropriate behavior,” the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) released a position paper on the proposed legislation. It…