A Hadash-CPI delegation meets with Abu Mazen in Ramallah

 A joint Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)  and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) delegation meets, Friday June 10, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Ramallah. Palestinian leader Abbas stressed in the meeting the centrality of the 1967 borders in both continued efforts toward peace talks and a simultaneous move to garner…

Occupation’s 44th year: A Doctor’s Visit to Gaza

From the Diary of a Doctor, Rafik Masalha, a volunteer with Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR): A Visit to the Gaza Strip, in February 2011. At the Erez Checkpoint, as I was standing in front of the concrete walls and the enormous iron doors that exemplify the severe blockade policy imposed on the people of…

Anti-boycott bill passes first Knesset reading

    Hadash MK says legislation aimed at punishing Israeli companies which do not sell to settlements violates freedom of expression. Bill allowing State to revoke citizenship of individuals convicted of terror, espionage offences also approved in first reading           The Knesset plenum on Monday (March 7, 2011) passed in first…

The settlements are the reason for the diplomatic impasse

  Resolutions of the 13th session of the Central Committee of the CPI The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) holds the Netanyahu-Barak-Lieberman government and the Obama Administration, which supports it in full, wholly responsible for the diplomatic impasse in the region and for the danger of another war. The CPI once…

Leading Communist Party of Israel members meet Palestinian President in RamallahLeading Communist Party of Israel members meet Palestinian President in Ramallah

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said today (Friday, October 15, 2010), in a meeting with leading Communist Party of Israel (CPI) members in Ramallah, he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state, adding that he was also opposed to population exchanges as part of any permanent peace agreement. Abu Mazen add that he…

Peace is possible, but not the Obama-Netanyahu way

Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel  “The key to success for any political negotiations is the will on the Israeli side to put an end to the occupation and to remove the settlements in order to enable the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, besides…

For a Broad Jewish-Arab Front against Fascisation

The Decisions of the 11th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel   The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) warns against the worsening threats against the democratic space in Israel, and against the processes of Fascisation, and calls for a broad front in defense of democracy.  …