Demonstrators protest outside the Knesset against the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, July 6, 2021. The Hebrew sign to the right reads: "The Citizenship Law constitutes collective punishment."

Gov’t Stonewalls Family Unification despite End of “Temporary” Order

Israel’s Interior Ministry is refusing to discuss requests for family unification of Palestinians married to Israeli citizens, even though the 2003 “temporary” ban on such unification expired over two weeks ago. According to Haaretz, far-right Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked ordered the ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority, which handles requests of this type, not to discuss…

Palestinians clash with Israeli occupation forces during a protest in the West Bank village of Beita against a new Israeli settler outpost named Evyatar recently erected on Palestinian land on a mountain adjacent to the village, June 18, 2021.

“Change” Gov’t Approves 31 New Projects in Occupied West Bank

Joint List leader, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) has, in an interview with Al-Ittihad, attacked the Bennett-Lapid government for approving building in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, telling the Arabic-language communist daily, “The government has existed for less than two weeks and has already approved 31 building plans in the settlements.” Odeh went on to say,…

Former Hadash MK Dr. Yousef Jabareen (left) and Adalah's General Director, Dr. Hassan Jabareen during the High Court session, last Tuesday, June 22, 2021

HCJ Accepts Ruling that Disallows MK Trips Funded by Peace Groups

  The High Court of Justice (HCJ) approved a Knesset committee ruling on Tuesday, June 22, that prevents MKs from traveling abroad on trips sponsored by organizations that support the struggle against Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. A petition against the committee’s ruling, which was submitted in 2018 by Dr. Youssef Jabareen, a former Haifa University…