Arab and Jewish Doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Wednesday night May 12: "Shalom – Salaam," Peace in Hebrew and Arabic

Hadash Rejects All Mob Violence by Jews or Arabs, the Burning of Property and Houses of Worship

Amidst the ongoing deadly armed escalation with Gaza, scenes of unrest, rioting, hate rallies and growing social chaos are spreading throughout numerous cities in Israel. The most shocking scene on Wednesday night, May 12, was live coverage of hundreds of Jewish racists (mostly from the Jerusalemite “La Familia” gang) in Bat Yam vandalizing Arab property and…

Young Communists demonstrate in West Jerusalem, Saturday night, April 24, 2021. The banner reads: "The answer to Cahanism is Arab-Jewish partnership."

Protesters in W. Jerusalem Decry Occupation, Racism & Incitement

A protest against the occupation, racism and political incitement was held in West Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 24, in the wake of week-long tensions that erupted into clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police on Thursday night, April 22, at the Damascus Gate in occupied Jerusalem’s Old City. The same tensions also manifested themselves in renewed rocket…