Palestinian fishermen along the coast of Gaza

Supreme Court Orders State to Return 65 Boats to Gaza Fishermen

Following the Supreme Court’s acceptance of a petition filed by three human rights organizations, Israeli authorities submitted last week a preliminary response in which they declared the state’s intention to return 65 fishing boats seized and confiscated from Gaza fishermen in the Strip’s territorial waters. Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, Adalah –…

Settlers Hail “Historic Opportunity” following Report that Trump Won’t Oppose Annexation of Settlements

Settler leaders and right-wing parties hailed on Sunday, May 12, a TV report that said the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” will provide for all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories to remain under Israeli rule, and that the administration will not oppose the extension of Israeli law to all settlements. Trump’s plan will…

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem on May 23, 2017 (Photo: US Embassy in Israel)

Palestinian FM: US is Proposing a Plan of Surrender, Not a Peace Deal

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki called the US-proposed “peace plan” (aka Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”) a Palestinian surrender, as the US Special Envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, lashed out at the United Nation’s “anti-Israel bias” while urging support for the Trump administration’s “vision,” on Thursday, May 9 Greenblatt, who was speaking…