Israeli police forces in occupied East Jerusalem, July 2019

Rights Groups: Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes in Jerusalem Is Tantamount to Ethnic Cleansing

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and HUMENA for Human Rights and Civil Participation said in a statement released on Saturday, August 10, that Israel’s systematic destruction of Palestinian homes and property in occupied East Jerusalem amounts to ethnic cleansing. Furthermore, the statement maintains that the US administration of Donald Trump implicitly paved the way for…

The campus of Birzeit University near Ramallah in the West Bank

Petition Calls for Full Freedom of Movement for Academics Working at Harried Palestinian Universities

A worldwide petition condemning Israel’s harassment of Palestinian universities has been launched on the internet by Academia for Equality, an Israeli left-wing organization with a membership of more than 500 university and college lecturers and professors. Below is the text of the petition which will be forwarded to the following Israeli officials: Interior Minister Aryeh…

Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, 40, the Palestinian construction worker killed in a building site accident in Hod HaSharon last Sunday, August 4

Palestinian Construction Worker’s Death in Hod HaSharon Marks 51st Workplace Fatality in Israel in 2019

A 40-year-old Palestinian construction worker, Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, from Tarkumya in the Occupied Palestinian Territories was killed Sunday, August 4, in the city of Hod HaSharon in central Israel. Agrieb’s death brought the total number of fatal workplace accidents since the beginning of 2019 to 51, 29 of them in construction sites. The most recent worksite…

From left to right, US Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley during a press conference in the Capitol building in Washington DC, last Monday, July 15

Hadash MK to US Congresswomen: Trump’s Racism Like Netanyahu’s

Communist Knesset member Aida Touma-Sliman sent official letters of solidarity to two Democratic Congresswomen, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, “to express my appreciation for your tireless work on behalf of the Palestinian people” and “in light of President Trump’s racist recent attacks” upon them as the members of the US House of Representatives. Touma-Sliman wrote:…