Joint List activists, on Election Day last Monday, March 2, near Shuk HaCarmel in Central Tel Aviv

MK Odeh: “Netanyahu Wouldn’t Know What Democracy Is, Even If It Indicted Him Three Times!!!”

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doubled down on claiming victory in this week’s election, saying on Wednesday, March 5, that he won among the” Zionist” voters because “Arabs are not part of the equation.” The racist premier made this statement during a meeting with the leaders of the parties comprising his right-wing and religious bloc. The…

A ballot for the Joint List

On Election Day, the Joint List Will Increase its Knesset Representation

The citizens of Israel have another date today (Monday, March 2) with the ballot box in an unprecedented third general election in less than a year. The previous two rounds ended in deadlocks between far-right Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s right-wing/settler/religious bloc and a cluster of Zionist center parties led by challenger MK Benny Gantz. Neither of…