PA: Daily Israeli Killing of Palestinians is an All-out War

The daily killings carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people, the latest of which was yesterday (Tuesday) in Jenin refugee camp, and the bombing of homes with rockets and explosive shells is an all-out war and destroys everything, said Palestinian President spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh. He stressed in a statement that…

New ‘Disruption Day’ Called for Thursday

Protest leaders announced that Thursday, March 9 would serve as the next “day of disruptions” around Israel — a repeat of events this past Wednesday when protests and road blockages took place throughout the country with violence between police and some protesters in Tel Aviv. The “Anti-Dictatorship Day” will be held in dozens of locations…

Occupation Army Blocks Solidarity March to Huwara

Occupation soldiers clashed with hundreds of Israeli peace activists trying to enter the West Bank Palestinian town of Huwara on a solidarity visit following a deadly settlers’ pogrom there earlier in the week. Four protesters who tried to go around the army roadblock were detained. Footage from the scene on Friday morning, showed troops scuffling…

AG Mulls Indicting Hadash Lawmaker for Assaulting Cop

The State Prosecutor’s Office has informed a representative of Hadash lawmaker Ofer Cassif that the attorney general is considering prosecuting him for “assaulting a policeman under aggravated circumstances,” subject to a hearing. The decision was made with the consent of State Prosecutor Amit Aisman. On last May, Cassif was attempting to reach a protest at…

Israelis Gather in Masse to Protest for Democracy

Hadash leaders denounced the government on Tuesday after the far-right coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu passed, in the first of its three readings, a milestone bill in the divisive effort to overhaul Israel’s judiciary. The government celebrated the effort after the legislation passed by a vote of 63-47 with no abstentions. Some lawmakers,…