Three years since Operation Cast Lead: Israeli army failed to investigate itself

Three years after murderous Operation Cast Lead against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military’s argument against independent investigation of its conduct during the operation has proven to be hollow. According to B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, the military has completely failed to investigate itself, regarding both…

Israeli forces confiscated computers and camera memory cards from a detained Palestinian journalist

Israeli occupation forces on Thursday confiscated computers, mobile phones and camera memory cards from the office and home of a Palestinian journalist. Soldiers raided Amin Abu Warda’s office in Nablus at 3 a.m., his colleague Atef Douglas told Ma’an Palestinian news agency, and confiscated several items, including a work computer and mobile phone. Witnesses said…

Five activists arrested at Tel-Aviv protest against ‘infiltrator law’; Kiryat Malachi: A rally against racism

Hundreds of demonstrators, among them Hadash activists and communists, gathered in central Tel Aviv Tuesday night, blocking a central thoroughfare for over an hour to protest the “Bill to Prevent Infiltration”, passed late Monday night in the Knesset. Police arrested five demonstrators. Chanting “no concentration camps” and “deport the interior minister” among other slogans, the…

A Colonel who justified hitting Palestinian detainees promoted

Former Kfir Brigade Commander Itai Virob, who condoned violence against Palestinians during operational activities in his testimony in military court, will be promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and will serve as chief officer of the infantry and paratroopers. Israeli soldiers during a protest against the wall in Bil’in, May 2010 (Photo: Activestills)   The…

On the “tent-city” housing-price protests

Could it be that Israelis, at least those supporting the tent city protests, have come to the conclusion that they themselves have been friers (suckers), willfully paying inflated prices on every item they purchase, a captive audience in a war- and taxes-rattled country surrounded by foes? The theme that keeps coming up in conversations between…

Israel passes law banning calls for boycott

The “Boycott Bill” was approved in its final reading in the Knesset on Monday night (July 11), after a plenum discussion that lasted nearly six hours and uncertainty throughout the day as to whether a vote would take place.   A poster by Peace Now: “Arrested me” The bill passed with 47 in favor and…