Sabotaging the negotiations

Two weeks after the initial rounds of talks in Washington between Minister Tzipi Livny and the head of the Palestinian negotiation committee Saib Arikat, peace talks are scheduled to resume, this time in Jerusalem. But the validity of the talks is being put into question by the Israeli government’s decision to continue constructing housing projects…

Only 8.5% of investigation files into offences committed by settlers against Palestinians end in indictment

Figures based on monitoring of the investigations in 938 files opened by the various units of the Samaria & Judea District Police following complaints submitted by Palestinians with Yesh Din’s assistance, show that between 2005 and 2013 just 8.5 percent of investigation files ended in the indictment of Israelis suspected of harming Palestinians and their…

demHadash against referendum bill

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to bring in the referendum bill for a cabinet vote on Sunday, and then submit it to the Knesset for a preliminary vote on Wednesday before the parliament disbands for summer recess. The bill stipulates that, if an agreement that is reached with the Palestinians calls for Israeli withdrawal from…

International Transport Workers Federation votes unanimously to support Israeli port workers

At a conference last week in Chicago, delegates representing dock workers from around the world voted unanimously to support a resolution submitted by the Histadrut (Federation of Labor in Israel) supporting the dock workers in Israel. The conference, organized by the International Transport Workers Federation, took positions on a number of international disputes including the…

Government aims to reduce public housing supply

Housing Minister Uri Ariel on Sunday said that the Housing and Finance ministries aim to significantly reduce the supply of public housing. Earlier Sunday, the Knesset’s Lobby for Public Housing asked the chairman of the Knesset’s Economic Affairs Committee, Avishay Braverman, to convene an urgent meeting saying the proposed measure would lead to “a drastic…