French Left MPs Sign Draft Resolution Condemning Israel’s Apartheid and Occupation

Some 38 Left French MPs have signed a draft resolution condemning Israel’s “institutionalization of an apartheid regime against Palestinian people,” L’Humanite reported on Friday. The draft resolution was originally submitted on 13 July by Communist MP Jean-Paul Lecocq vice-president of the Foreign Affairs Committee but stirred a public debate on Friday. Resolutions are opinions, issued by…

Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement

After years of concerns that Thailand was purchasing Israeli-made cyber surveillance technologies, human rights groups have found the first forensic evidence linking the NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus spyware to the Southeast Asian kingdom. A new report by Citizen Lab, published Monday together with two Thai civil society groups, says digital forensic evidence indicates that at…

President Biden, Go Visit Hajar Ka’abneh and See Israel’s ‘Democracy’ / Aida Touma-Sliman

President Biden is visiting Israel this week, before continuing to Saudi Arabia on Friday. Biden will likely praise Israel’s technological might and military prowess. He’ll probably make a public statement about the inviolable bond between the United States and Israel, and celebrate Israel as a thriving liberal democracy. But Biden has probably never heard Ahmed…

US, Israel Criticized by Hadash Over Abu Akleh Killing

Hadash is criticizing the US for saying that the alleged shooting of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli occupation troops was “the result of tragic circumstances,” calling the State Department’s conclusion a form of whitewashing. US State Department spokesman Ned Price issued a statement on Monday stating that the “U.S. Security Coordinator (USSC), could…

Bill to Ban Palestinian Flags Gets Initial Knesset Approval

A controversial bill that outlaws the display of “enemy flags” (i.e., Palestinian flag) at state-funded institutions and universities passed a preliminary vote in the Knesset on Wednesday. While it was passed with 63 in favor and 16 against, the bill must pass three additional Knesset votes to become law, which isn’t expected to happen soon.…