Israel unemployment rate reaches 7%

Israel’s unemployment rate reached 6.9% in August, compared to 6.6% in July, according to figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).  The CBS also updated the employment rate for the month of July from its first estimate of 6.5% to 6.6%. The unemployment rate among Israelis over the age of 25 increased from…

MK Khenin bill would forbid natural gas exports

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) launched a bill on Tuesday, that would prohibit all exports of natural gas unless the government can ensure 50 years worth of sufficient quantities for use within Israel.  “Trade of gas without ensuring the welfare of our children will mean abandoning their health and will contradict the role of the state…

More Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike

The number of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails has grown to 2,000, with more preparing to join the protest next week, according to human rights groups in the West Bank. The Israeli prison service is taking punitive measures against hunger strikers, including solitary confinement, the confiscation of personal belongings, transfers and denial…