Saturday night's demonstration against racism at Zion Square, Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Protest against Racist “Lehava” Organization

Saturday night, December 13, hundreds of protesters gathered in Zion Square in West Jerusalem demanding the outlawing of “Lehava,” the rascist organization whose members are allegedly behind a recent arson attack on a Jewish-Arab bilingual school in the city. Lehava opposes “Jewish assimilation,” in particular interfaith marriages between Jews and Arabs. During the demonstration, the…

Palestinian women sit among the ruins of the Al-Nada towers after they were destroyed by Israeli strikes in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, August 4, 2014. The towers had 90 flats. So far, Israeli attacks have killed at least 1,870 Palestinians, and injured 9,470 since the beginning of the Israeli offensive (Photo: Activestills)

The Long Road to Gaza

Practically everywhere around the globe, it is not possible to read the newspapers or watch the news without witnessing – either briefly or at great detail – the human tragedy in Gaza. The unjust war launched by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has resulted in vast destruction in one of the most densely populated…