Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony Draws 15,000

Nearly 15,000 participants attended a joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial ceremony for victims of the occupation in Tel Aviv on Monday night. The event was organized by Combatants for Peace and The Parents-Circle Families Forum and some 200 Palestinians from the occupied territories attend Tel Aviv ceremony, after Israel’s top court ordered the state to grant them…

16th Set of Weekly Rallies Against Far-Right Govt Held Across Israel

Hundreds of thousands of protesters rallied Saturday evening as part of ongoing demonstrations against the far-right government, with tensions elevated ahead of Memorial Day and Israel’s 75th Independence Day next week. Hadash chair Issam Makhoul at the Anti-Occupation Bloc demonstration in Kaplan Street, Central Tel-Aviv on Saturday evening, April 23, 2023 (Photo: Zo Haderech) Protest organizers…

Next Monday: The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial is taking place on next Monday, 24th April, on the eve of Yom Hazikaron, sponsored by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle – Families Forum a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 families all of whom have lost an immediate family member to the ongoing occupation of the territories According Combatants…

Ben Gvir Demands a Fascist Militia, ACRI Demands to Stop It

“As Israel moves closer to become a dictatorship, Ben Gvir, the Minister of National Security demands grow louder to have his own nationalist militia guard,” said the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)    ACRI contacted Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to point out that this dangerous intention should be stopped immediately: “The national guard…

Communist Party of Israel: Far-Right Gov’t Aggressive Policy Will Only Increase.

The regime coup advanced by the Netanyahu government will obliterate all democratic space still left in Israel and solidify Israel’s status as a right-wing dictatorship. By eliminating the independent judiciary in general and removing the supreme court’s power in particular, the government will be able to institutionalize apartheid, attack groups within Israel such as Palestinians…

TV Poll Shows Netanyahu Crashing

A poll published Sunday evening on Channel 13 indicates that if elections were held today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right Likud would plummet from its current 32 seats in the Knesset to just 20, falling well behind Benny Gantz’s National Unity party, which would jump to 29 seats from its current 12 and Yair Lapid’s…

Hundreds of Thousands Protest Overhaul for 14th Consecutive Week

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis attended nationwide protests for a 14th consecutive week against the far-right government’s plans to shackle the country’s judiciary on Saturday. Anti-Occupation Bloc activists marching in Haifa, Saturday evening, April 8, 2023 (Photo: Anat Halpern) Amid the Passover holiday, protesters in several demonstrations held banners of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as…