Cabinet approves Dead Sea deal; MK Khenin: The agreement is a severe blow to the public interest

heavy criticism from environmental activists and MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), the government on Sunday approved the agreement reached last week between the Finance Ministry and Israel Chemicals, which stipulates the division of costs toward a full salt harvest of the Dead Sea’s southern portion. Under the agreement, Israel Chemicals unit Dead Sea Works will contribute…

Trajtenberg Report: Blatant insult

Harsh criticism was leveled today (27/9 against a report submitted by the govermental Trajtenberg Committee, which was tasked with formulating a new socioeconomic agenda. In a press conference in Tel Aviv, social protest leaders and experts on their behalf slammed the committee’s recommendations. Leef, one of the social protest leaders  Daphni Leef, one of the…

Emblem of the Young Communist League of Israel

Statement of the Young Communist League of Israel (August 2011)

The huge wave of demonstrations that is sweeping Israel for the last month and half, including a demonstration of 300,000 protestors in Tel-Aviv on August 6th, presented a very clear message: The Israeli working class in general, and young people in particular, revolts against the soaring prices of housing and basic commodities, and no longer…

Hundreds of thousands rally in Tel Aviv on last Saturday, August 6. (Photo: ActivestillsHundreds of thousands rally in Tel Aviv on last Saturday, August 6.

The Way to Victory

Arab-Palestinian in Israel author Odeh Bisharat addressed the 300,000-strong rally for social justice in Tel Aviv on last Saturday. Bisharat, a well know publicist (“Al Ittihad”, communist daily newspaper in Arabic and “Haaretz”, Hebrew daily newspaper) is the former Hadash general secretary and now Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party…