Sign posted outside the offices of the Himanuta subsidiary of the Jewish National Fund

MK Khenin: “Nationalize the JNF!”

The Jewish National Fund (JNF), known in Hebrew as Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, is extremely wealthy. It owns 13% of all the land in Israel and brings in some $3 billion a year, most of it from land sales. The Israeli government traditionally feels entitled to the JNF’s money, which according to its mission statement is…

Salah Hamouri and Fadwa Barghouti, the wife of imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti, at the Fête de l’Humanité Communist daily newspaper near Paris in 2012.

Israel Sentences Salah Hamouri to Detention without Charge or Trial

An Israeli court sentenced Salah Hamouri, a human rights defender and field researcher for Palestinian prisoners’ rights group Addameer, to six months of administrative detention − imprisonment without charge or trial − on Tuesday, August 30, in what  Addameer said was “part of a systematic policy of disempowerment.” According to Addameer’s statement, the court’s initial…

Enough! Netanyahu go home!

Communist Party of Israel: “Netanyahu Must Go!”

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), in its most recent meeting held on Friday, August 6, discussed the status of investigations into allegations of corruption currently being conducted by the police against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Members of the bureau expressed the opinion that the ongoing probes merely reveal the tip…

MKs Jabareen and Touma-Sliman at the Communist Party club in Umm al-Fahem

Netanyahu Proposes Transferring Wadi Ara and Its Arab Citizens of Israel to Future Palestinian State

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has adopted an idea that formerly had been beyond the pale: territorial transfer – stripping Arab-Palestinians of their Israeli citizenship without their approval and making them and their homes part of a future Palestinian state, all, of course, on a religious-ethnic basis. In talks with Trump administration officials, Netanyahu has reportedly…

The CPI delegation in Cuba; from left to right: Aida Touma-Sliman, Adel Amer and Salam Bilal.

Delegation from CPI Visits Cuba

A Communist Party of Israel (CPI) delegation recently visited Cuba after having received an official invitation from the Communist Party of the island nation. Adel Amer, Secretary General of the CPI, MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash – Joint List) and Salam Bilal, secretary of the Nazareth branch of the party, participated in the delegation. In a…