"We are the economic crisis – The student struggle to decrease tuition payments"

Israel’s Unemployed near 1 Million

At the start of the month of October, the number of active jobseekers registered with Israel’s Employment Service Bureau was close to 1 million – or 995,700, 25 % of the workforce. However, as the lockdown was eased towards the end of the month the number had declined to 940,300. These data appear to be…

COVID-19 testing station

Nearly One Million Unemployed

As of Sunday, October 18, a total of 980,370 workers in Israel were unemployed — almost a quarter of the workforce, which numbers some 4 million, including 628,344 who have been furloughed and are still not back at their workplaces.   An Employment Service report said that during September, women and young people were more likely to…

Leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel's imminent annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories. The white banner to the left reads: "Israel is not a democracy… Apartheid."

More Protests against Annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territories

Dozens of leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel’s “colonialist policies and plans to formally annex” occupied Palestinian territories. The protesters barricaded the central downtown road with concrete barriers and fences, on which they raised banners in Hebrew, Arabic and English reading: “No to annexation, No to apartheid”…

Most of the unemployed in Israel are women.

Jobless Rate in Israel up to 26.1%

Israel’s unemployment rate reached 26.1% after 6,693 new job seekers registered with the state’s Employment Service on Monday, April 13, a daily increase of nearly a thousand more new applicants for unemployment benefits compared to the 5,713 workers who reported themselves out of work on Tuesday, April 7, the last working day before the Passover holiday.…