Mohammad Barakeh with Hadash MKs Aida Touma-Sliman and Yousef Jabareen (in center) together with supporters in front the Afula police headquarters on Thursday, February 18

Mohammed Barakeh Detained after Visiting Palestinian Hunger Striker

Former Hadash MK and leading Communist activist, Mohammed Barakeh, and Sheikh Ra’ad Salah were arrested on Thursday, February 18, after visiting the hunger-striking Palestinian journalist, Mohammed al-Qiq, currently hospitalized in the Haemek Hospital in Afula in northern Israel. Barakeh and Salah recently announced that they and 20 other activists are joining Qiq’s hunger strike in…

Palestinian worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem protest, calling for the release of prisoners during the first Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, Friday, June 19, 2015; among the prisoners whose release is demanded, Khader Adnan pictured in the foreground poster.

Palestinian Hunger Striker Khader Adnan’s Health Rapidly Worsens after 50 Days without Food

Palestinian administrative detainee Khader Adnan’s health deteriorated significantly Friday, June 26, as he reached the 50th day of his current hunger strike. According to Attorney Jawad Bulus, who is the only person aside from members of the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to have access to Adnan’s hospital room, the political prisoner’s health is deteriorating from…

Activists and doctors take part in a demonstration, organized by PHR organization, against a bill to legalize forced feeding of hunger-striking prisoners in Israel, in front of the Knesset, Jerusalem, June 16, 2014. The sign reads: "I work in medicine not torture" (Photo: Activestills)

Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike; 1,300 medical personnel against force-feeding

Sixty-three Palestinian prisoners have suspended the hunger strike which they have observed in Israeli jails since late April, one of their lawyers said Tuesday. Shawqi al-Ayasa, the minister of prisoner affairs for the newly-formed Palestinian unity government, confirmed the suspension of the hunger strike, saying a major portion of prisoners’ demands had been met. Prisoners…

A demonstration in Nablus in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners, May 25 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Knesset approves bill to force-feed hunger strikers

The Knesset approved for the first reading a landmark bill Monday which would allow prison authorities to force-feed hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners, sparking fury from several MKs.  The government bill seeks to authorize the Commissioner of Prisons to petition the District Court to obtain a permit for medical treatment of hunger-striking prisoners. After the vote on…

Peace ctivists take part in a solidarity protest with the Palestinian prisoners holding an hunger strike, outside the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, June 5, 2014. At least 6 Palestinian prisoners are hospitalized in Ichilov. Dozens of Palestinian prisoners are held in other hospitals in Israel. Most of the hunger strikes are protesting against their administrative detention by Israel.

Palestinian prisoner’s hunger strike in Israel continues

Despite objections of medical professionals and in violations of medical ethics, Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has instructed to expedite a legislation that will enable force-feeding of Palestinian prisoners currently undergoing hunger strike as protest against their administrative detention. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) called on the government to release all administrative detainees, and urges…

Palestinians demonstrate in front of Baha Yaish's house, a Palestinian administrative prisoner who spent 11 months in Israel prisons, in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian administrative prisoners, Nablus, West Bank, May 24, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

1,500 Palestinian prisoners to join hunger strike

The Palestinian minister of prisoners’ affairs said on Saturday that 1,500 Palestinian prisoners would join a mass hunger strike on Sunday, as he warned of the deteriorating health conditions of more than 100 who have been on strike for over a month. Issa Qaraqe feared that “there might be martyrs” if the strike continues, as…

A Palestinian held water and salt, the symbol of the hunger-strike during a demonstration in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian administrative prisoners, Nablus, West Bank, May 26, 2014 (Photo Activestills)

Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations deliver a letter supporting hunger strikers

Dear United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, We, the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the undersigned human rights organizations, request your immediate intervention on behalf of the approximately 125 Palestinian detainees and prisoners currently on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. The hunger strike commenced on 24 April 2014 when approximately 90 detainees…

Palestinians demonstrate in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian administrative prisoners, Nablus, West Bank, May 11, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike

On Thursday, 24 April 2014, Palestinian administrative detainees held by the Israel Prison Service (IPS) announced a hunger strike to protest the Israeli security establishment’s use of administrative detention. According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, more than ninety administrative detainees went on hunger strike that day, with another six joining them a week later. On…

PHR: Palestinian hunger strikers mistreated

Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR), a non-government organization, charged that Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike were not given proper medical attention, Israel Radio reported on Thursday. In a special report prepared ahead of next week’s Palestinian Prisoner Day, PHR claimed that the Prison Service (IPS) uses access to medical treatment as a way of…