I Will Not Be Silent, MK Ofer Cassif

Last week, I was accused from the platform of Maariv, in the article “Let You Explain” written by Lilac Sigan, that I and my friends in my political path are responsible for the backing the abominable Hamas organization and its strengthening. MK Ofer Cassif during a demonstration held in Tel-Aviv against occupation and the siege…

Israel-Hamas Prisoner Exchange Now, MK Ayman Odeh

MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) called on Israeli government to release all Palestinian prisoners and moving forward immediately on a prisoner exchange. Hamas kidnapped more of 150 Israelis and foreigners in its deadly assault on southern Israel on Saturday morning. According Odeh “It is absolutely forbidden to accept any attacks on the innocent, and I categorically…

Police Crackdown on Arab Leaders Protesting Racist Budget Cuts

Mayors of Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel demonstrated outside the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem Monday to protest Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s suspension of budgetary allocations earmarked for Arab municipalities. Hadash MKs Youssef Atawne, Aida Touma-Sliman and Ayman Odeh during the demonstration in front of the Knesset on Monday, rejecting the decision of Smotrich not to transfer…

Occupation Army Blocks Peace Activists March to West Bank Settlement

The far-right government on Friday acknowledged for the first time that it allowed illegal construction to take place at Homesh in the occupied Palestinian territories, as soldiers barred hundreds Israeli peace activists and Palestinians from reaching the illegal outpost. The occupation army blocked several hundred activists, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel members,…