During a demonstration against the privatization of natural gas found in the Mediterranean Sea off the Israeli coast, protesters outside the home of the then Energy Minister, Silvan Shalom, hold up an oversized check (pun absolutely intended) from the State of Israel to Israeli tycoon Yitzhak Tshuva with the estimated value of the natural gas to eventually be produced from the Leviathan offshore natural gas field, May 11, 2013.

Far-Right Minister Attacks Green Activists for Environmental Fight

Far-right Environmental Protection Minister Zeev Elkin launched an unprecedented attack on environmental activists on Tuesday, January 7, accusing them of being ignorant charlatans who are trying to mislead the public. Elkin was speaking at the Israel 2050 conference in Tel Aviv, which focused on anticipated environmental developments in the coming decades. Government ministries, gas companies and…

ICL workers demonstrate in Be’er-Sheba against planned layoffs at the Israel Chemicals Bromine Compound, February 10, 2015.

Workers at Israel Chemicals Protest Planned Layoffs

On Tuesday, February 10, workers at the Israel Chemicals (ICL) Bromine Compound in the Negev demonstrated against the announced intention to fire 140 members of the staff at their plant. They were joined outside the corporation’s headquarters in Be’er-Sheba by employees from the Dead Sea Works, also owned by the privatized Israel Chemicals, who are…

Teva-Tech workers' committee chairman Avraham Zohar speaks during a workers assembly held on Monday (Photo: Histadrut – Negev Region)

Teva-Tech workers leader: We’ll break the company

The workers committees at Oil Refineries in Haifa Bay and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries all over Israel are planning to fight managements’ decisions to fire 240 employees at Oil Refineries and 700-1,000 employees at Teva. On Monday Teva-Tech workers’ committee chairman Avraham Zohar threatened “to break the company”.   “In Petah Tikva, there are employees with…

Hadash electoral committee meeting last weekend to launch the party's campaign for the upcoming general elections for the 21st Knesset; the red placard held up in the background reads "Opposing Fascism."

Hadash Launches Electoral Campaign for 21st Knesset

Last weekend, Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, the electoral front headed by the Communist Party of Israel) launched its campaign for the upcoming April 9th general elections for the 21st Knesset. Preparatory meetings were held last week in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth. Hadash is part of the Joint List parliamentary…