Occupation Forces Confiscate Palestinian-Owned Residential Barracks near Jericho

Israeli occupation forces confiscated residential barracks in the Palestinian Bedouin residential area of Arab al-Mleihat on Thursday, October 13, in the occupied West Bank district of Jericho, according to a report by Ma’an, the Palestinian new agency.  The residential barracks belonged to Ali Suliman al-Mleihat and Mohammad Ali al-Mleihat. The mayor of Jericho Majid al-Fityani…

MK Hanin Zoabi

Joint List Backs MKs Zoabi and Touma-Sliman; Blasts Fascistic Attacks Hurled against Them

The Joint List parliamentary faction stood shoulder to shoulder behind its MKs Hanin Zoabi (Balad) and Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) on Wednesday, June 29, and blasted the “fascistic attacks” being hurled against the two women lawmakers. This followed the reported conversation the same day between Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit regarding…