Palestinian killed in Qalandia checkpoint; Hebron: MK Barakeh injured during a demonstration

Thousands of Palestinians, Israelis and international peace activists, among them Palestinian and Israeli communists, rallied in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Friday, commemorating the anniversary of a deadly shooting in Hebron’s mosque. The protesters demanded the city’s main thoroughfare be reopened after Israeli forces shut it off shortly after extremist settler Baruch…

MK Khenin: Gov’t failing to protect Mediterranean Sea

Environmental groups warned government continues to favor capitalist interests over public ones, shoreline and sea’s conservation. “The government has failed, yet again, to protect the seas from pollution in 2011,” a report by the Zalul Environmental Association told the Knesset Environmental Committee last week.  The environmental group’s report, titled “Sea Situation” accused the government of…

Israeli forces confiscated computers and camera memory cards from a detained Palestinian journalist

Israeli occupation forces on Thursday confiscated computers, mobile phones and camera memory cards from the office and home of a Palestinian journalist. Soldiers raided Amin Abu Warda’s office in Nablus at 3 a.m., his colleague Atef Douglas told Ma’an Palestinian news agency, and confiscated several items, including a work computer and mobile phone. Witnesses said…