The cover of a report prepared by French and Palestinian unions and human rights organizations disclosing the French companies, particularly Alstom, that built and are continuing to expand the Jerusalem light railroad which encroaches on parts of occupied East Jerusalem. The title reads: Jerusalem Light Rail: The French Businesses Contributing to Israel's Colonization.

UN Releases List of Firms Profiting from Israel’s West Bank Occupation

The United Nations published on Wednesday, February 12, a much-delayed and contentious report listing 112 companies doing business with Israeli projects in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). The UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR) earned praise from Israeli human rights groups and Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) for releasing…

Israeli police forces suppress a protestor demonstrating against the Trump administration’s plan, Jerusalem, January 29, 2020. Clashes have been taking place in the West Bank since the US announced its so-called "Deal of the Century" on January 28.

Popular Resistance Swells in the West Bank — 4 Palestinian Dead

There have been daily clashes between demonstrators and Israeli occupation troops in the West Bank following the release of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” on January 28. The Israeli military has been on “heightened alert” there since the plan’s cynically timed and politically-motivated festive presentation to the world from the White House…

Prominent members of the Joint List lead a protest march against Trump's "Deal of the Century" in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Saturday, February 1: From right to left, Hadash MK Youssef Jabarrin; (in second row) Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel, Adel Amer; Secretary General of Hadash, Mansour Dehamshe; first from left, Assam Makhoul, former MK from Hadash and current Chairman of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian & Israeli Studies; second from left, MK Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al).

Voices from the Left: Trump’s Plan, One for Annexation, Not for Peace

When, amidst his characteristic bombast, US President Donald Trump festively revealed his “Deal of the Century” last week in Washington, he repeated the terms “peace plan” and “Palestinian state” several times. In response, Peace Now has written, “Despite the seemingly appropriate words and the celebratory atmosphere, an examination of the details of the plan, clearly…

"Joint Struggle, Joint Future" – Election slogan for the Joint List

Joint List MK Yazbak Disqualified from Participating in the Elections

In a vote held on Wednesday, January 29, the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee officially disqualified Joint List MK Heba Yazbak (Balad) from running in the March 2 elections. The vote was 27 for the disqualification and 7 against. Almost all of the Knesset’s Zionist and Ultraorthodox lawmakers united behind the efforts to ban Yazbak, including the centrist…