Israel passes law banning calls for boycott

The “Boycott Bill” was approved in its final reading in the Knesset on Monday night (July 11), after a plenum discussion that lasted nearly six hours and uncertainty throughout the day as to whether a vote would take place.   A poster by Peace Now: “Arrested me” The bill passed with 47 in favor and…

MK Khenin: We must guarantee that crises like the Gulf of Mexico will not occur in the Mediterranean

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday approved an environmental law that will require factories to publicize their hazardous chemical emissions. But it also rejected two other green bills, a spokesman for MK Dov Khenin (Hadash – the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) announced. The approved National Registry Act,…

Rightist MKs continued to persecute human rights groups

Israeli organizations which contributed to the Goldstone Report on the deadly last Israeli invasion to Gaza criticized on Sunday a proposal by MK Israel Hasson (Kadima) to revoke their right to use National Service volunteers. Cast Lead operation (photo: Al Ittihad) They claimed a deliberate witch hunt is being held against them. Hasson discovered that…

The settlements are the reason for the diplomatic impasse

  Resolutions of the 13th session of the Central Committee of the CPI The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) holds the Netanyahu-Barak-Lieberman government and the Obama Administration, which supports it in full, wholly responsible for the diplomatic impasse in the region and for the danger of another war. The CPI once…

Israel and the Current Capitalist Crisis


From the Communist Party of Israel /
Israel and the Current Capitalist Crisis
by Daniel Rosenberg *
The financial crisis does not skip over Israel. The country that has been integrating itself in global capitalist markets in the last decades is once again seeing the ugliest side of capitalism, as the stock markets have dropped over a stunning 10 percent since the beginning of the month and the GDP growth forecast for the next couple of years has been slashed.
The crisis finds the Israeli society in worse shape than it was during the last recession, that of 2000-2003: currently about a quarter of Israeli citizens live below the official poverty line, among whom the percentage of minority groups, such as Israeli Arabs and orthodox Jews, is extremely high. A large part of the Israeli poor population are defined as "working poor," meaning people who are employed and yet do not earn a minimum living wage, a phenomenon which is usually regarded as a symptom of the crumbling of the middle classes.