New report: How Israeli governments drained social services

“Between Realization and Dehydration” – a comprehensive report published by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) – presents the processes and methods by which successive Israeli governments have cut back social services over the past three decades. Housing, education, heath, employment, welfare and more – all these were drained as Israel turned itself…

Next weekend: The Marx Forum

The fifth annual Marx conference devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism” took place in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beer-Sheva on May 2011, under the auspices of Hagada Ha’smalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 25 panelists, approximately three hundred people participated in the meetings and discussion. Summaries of lectures were…

Hadash: New oil standards are environmental risk

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) blasted Energy and Water Minister Uzi Landau’s decision to authorize new oil and gas regulations. The regulations, which the ministry said will now require environmental certification for certain drillings, distinguish between “temporary drilling sites” and “commercial sites slated for production.” In Khenin’s opinion, however, the government should revamp the entire 1952…

Thousands demonstrated in Nazareth and Haifa to celebrate Mayday

Thousands participated in the worker’s solidarity march in Nazareth on Saturday (April 28) and called for social justice, peace, and equality. Members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and activists in Hadash participated, amongst them Knesset members Dov Khenin, Mohammed Barakeh, Hannah Sweid, and Afu Agbaria Thousands participated in the worker’s solidarity march in…

More Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike

The number of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails has grown to 2,000, with more preparing to join the protest next week, according to human rights groups in the West Bank. The Israeli prison service is taking punitive measures against hunger strikers, including solitary confinement, the confiscation of personal belongings, transfers and denial…

Criminal trial of MK Mohammed Barakeh begins

The trial of Knesset Member (MK) Mohammed Barakeh, head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (“Hadash” or “Jabha”), begins yesterday, Wednesday (April 18) in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court. The trial opened with two days of evidentiary and witness hearings to be held on Wednesday 18 April and Sunday 22 April 2012. The…