Netanyahu’s newspaper supports attack on Iran

In an uncommon front-page, top-headline editorial, Amos Regev, the editor of daily “Israel Hayom” (Israel today), discusses the decision regarding an Israel military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Regev, a member of Binyamin Netanyahu’s inner circle between his two terms as Prime Minister, attacks those speaking against the war, and concludes that “Yes, it’s possible to…

Five activists arrested at Tel-Aviv protest against ‘infiltrator law’; Kiryat Malachi: A rally against racism

Hundreds of demonstrators, among them Hadash activists and communists, gathered in central Tel Aviv Tuesday night, blocking a central thoroughfare for over an hour to protest the “Bill to Prevent Infiltration”, passed late Monday night in the Knesset. Police arrested five demonstrators. Chanting “no concentration camps” and “deport the interior minister” among other slogans, the…

A wall in the torched mosque in Burqa

Yet Another Mosque Torched by Extreme-Right Jewish Racists

The residents of the Palestinian occupied West Bank village of Burqa, near Nablus, reported that their mosque “Al Nour” has been torched overnight. Defamatory slogans found on the walls, including several reading “Mitzpe Yitzhar” and “War,” suggest that the incident is in fact a racist extreme-right act.  According to Ma’an, the Palestinian news agency, at…

Government quashes plan to rehabilitate Dead Sea

A week after the Dead Sea failed to make the list of winners in the New 7 Wonders competition, the cabinet rejected yesterday (Sunday) a bill that would provide for its rehabilitation and protection in an 8-7 vote. “The government has chosen to stand on the sides of the factories and has failed in safeguarding…

Protest for social justice and against the neo-liberal government, in Tel Aviv, last Saturday, July 30

Another Mass Rally against the Government Next Saturday

Tent protest movement leaders, at a meeting to formulate a response to the passage of the Housing Committees Bill yesterday (Wednesday), said that the government seems not to have internalized the public demand for a change in socioeconomic policy, promising to expand their protest. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu over the…

Activists’ demands to Israeli government: lower taxes, free education and end to privatization

After setting up joint protest headquarters on Tuesday, representatives of the 40 tent encampments scattered across Israel, students and youth groups released an agreement they had reached and guidelines for negotiating with the government. Also: protests continue across the country with activists blocking roads. The demands include lowering indirect taxes, canceling the national housing committees…