Bill to Ban Palestinian Flags Gets Initial Knesset Approval

A controversial bill that outlaws the display of “enemy flags” (i.e., Palestinian flag) at state-funded institutions and universities passed a preliminary vote in the Knesset on Wednesday. While it was passed with 63 in favor and 16 against, the bill must pass three additional Knesset votes to become law, which isn’t expected to happen soon.…

MK Ayman Odeh: Bibi is a Red Line

The coalition rejoiced Monday evening after defeating two motions of no-confidence tabled by the opposition at the opening of the Knesset’s summer session. The first measure led by Likud failed 52-61, garnering support from the Left opposition’s Joint List. The second motion led by Shas, from which the Joint List was absent, was voted down…

MK Cassif Condemns Russian FM’s Antisemite Statements

Leading Communist lawmaker, MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash – Joint List), condemned on Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s “antisemite statements.” Lavrov on Sunday said that the fact that Ukraine’s president is Jewish does not contradict Moscow’s claims that it launched the invasion to “de-nazify” the country, claiming that even Hitler “had Jewish blood.” In an…