12,000 protest against Lapid’s neo-liberal measures

Several thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel-Aviv on Saturday night to protest against austerity measures presented past week as part of the state’s new neo-liberal budget. Rallies take place in other cities across the country, bringing back the social protest that took Israel by storm two years ago. Some 12,000 people marched in…

The social protest returning to the streets

In the past few days organizers have called for a demonstration at Habima Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening. This demonstration is being organized by social activists Alon-Lee Green, Or Shai, Liat Biron and Shira Steinitz. The Facebook event page for the demonstration opens under the heading: “Yallah to the streets! Giant march: Take…

Jerusalem Municipality plans garbage dump on Palestinian villages

Adalah submitted an objection, in cooperation with the Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem (CCDPRJ), on behalf of the ‘Anata Municipality to the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee against a plan to construct a landfill in East Jerusalem, on lands belonging to the Palestinian villages of ‘Anata (Population: 20,000) and Al-‘Issawiyya…

MK Khenin: Netanyahu government is dangerous for Israel

In the eve of the Knesset elections, Hadash MK Dov Khenin answers Haaretz readers’ questions in real time on Wednesday about chances of joining the next government, the situation in Syria and the two-state solution.  Haaretz readers were given the opportunity to ask MK Khenin about his political positions, individual rights, the social protest and…