Newly repaved Beitin Road, again closed to Palestinian traffic. Right, route of the "Way of the Patricharchs" - Route 60

Access to “Way of the Patriarchs” Blocked to Palestinians After Some Didn’t Yield to Settler Traffic

During the last few weeks, Israeli authorities completed the reopening of the road which connects Beitin and other Palestinian villages in the northeast area of District of Ramallah with the city itself via the District Coordination (DCO) checkpoint. However, due to occupation-imposed restrictions at the DCO checkpoint, following the reopening of the road only private…

MK Ayman Odeh during a Hadash meeting in the Galilee

Joint List Leader MK Ayman Odeh Meets Netanyahu

Two months after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his racist Election Day remarks that Arab voters were “voting in droves,” he met with Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh on Thursday, May 21, to discuss plans for increasing government spending in the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel. Odeh, who heads the 13-seat Joint List that groups…

Occupation Administration Maps Susiya – Palestinian Residents Fear Imminent Demolition

A representative of Israel’s Civil Administration accompanied by soldiers arrived this week at the Palestinian village of Khirbet Susiya in the occupied South Hebron Hills. The representative, known to residents only as “Carlos,” photographed and took GPS measurements of structures in the village. Based on previous experience, local residents fear that this action means the…