Knesset Set to Disperse; Lapid to Take Over as Prime Minister

The Knesset expected to pass the final legislation for its dispersal tomorrow (Monday) and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to become prime minister soon after. Lapid will take over as caretaker prime minister through elections in the fall, according to the coalition agreement. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Lapid last week announced their decision to dissolve…

Special Debate on the Murder of Three Women Within a Week

The Parliamentarian Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, chaired by MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash – Joint List), convened on Tuesday for a special debate on the murder of three women within one week.  Committee Chair MK Touma-Sliman said: “Last week we received three terrible pieces of news. Johara Khanifs, 28 years old;…

Knesset to Vote on Dissolving, Lapid to Become PM

Far-right Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced that the parliament (Knesset) would be disbanding next week on Monday, subject to a vote on the matter. Lapid, head of the centrist Yesh Atid party, will become interim Prime Minister if the Knesset is disbanded, lasting until elections take place, scheduled now for…

Police to Summon MKs Odeh, Cassif and Tibi for Interrogation

Israel’s Attorney General’s Office on Thursday decided to authorize the police to summon Joint List MKs Ayman Odeh (Hadash), Ofer Cassif (Hadash) and Ahmad Tibi (Ta’al) for interrogation. Tibi and Cassif are suspected of “attacking police officers,” Odeh for calling on Arabs serving in Israel’s occupation forces to lay down their arms. MKs Tibi, Cassif…