“Supreme Court Judge Salim Joubran not singing the Hatikvah”

Extreme Right-Wing MK: Arabs Who Won’t Sing “Hatikva” Shouldn’t Be Judges

Two right-wing Knesset members were elected to the committee tasked with judicial appointments in a hard-fought early morning vote Thursday, July 23, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached an agreement with “opposition” racist MK Avigdor Liberman. MK Nurit Koren (Likud) and MK Robert Ilatov (Yisrael Beytenu) were elected to the powerful panel, after having received…

Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen

Israeli Ministers Nix Bill to Improve Arab Schools

The Knesset’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation voted Sunday, July 5, to oppose a bill by the Joint List that calls for expanding the goals of the public education law to include goals specifically intended to improve the Arab school system. “The law that regulates public education in Israel defines the public education system exclusively in…