MK Khenin: Full royalty rates must be applied to downstream products and not just to the mineral resources

Imposing a surtax of 42 percent on the excess profits of natural resource exploiters would boost the state’s coffers with NIS 500 million annually, an inter-ministerial committee concluded on Sunday. The Sheshinski 2 Committee, headed by Prof. Eytan Sheshinski, was tasked last year with examining the state’s royalty policies for the exploitation of natural resources…

2,000 marched in Hebron to mark the 20th anniversary of a massacre of 29 Palestinians in a mosque by a Jewish extremist, and 13 were injured when Israeli forces dispersed the demonstration (Photo: Activestills)

13 injured as Hebron clashes mark massacre anniversary; occupation forces open fire on protesters across the West Bank

2,000 marched in Hebron on Friday, among them Israeli peace activists and Hadash members, to mark the 20th anniversary of the massacre of 29 Palestinians in a mosque by a settler, and 13 were injured when Israeli forces dispersed the demonstration. The clashes erupted following a large demonstration organized by the activist group “Youths against…

A Christmas tree made of razor wire and tear gas grenades is displayed in Manger Square, Bethlehem as part of an activist art exhibit, December 21, 2013. The exhibit, titled, "Chic Art + Resistance" is a project by Brazilian-Palestinian artist Sami Musa and activist Mohammed Khatib. Their goal is to use art as a metaphor to talk about the Palestinian struggle against occupation. Tear gas canisters, razor wire, and sound bombs are used to capture the experiences of the activists struggling against the Israeli wall and settlements (Photo: Activestills)

Knesset speaker nixes Christmas tree

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) turned down on Sunday a request from a Hadash Knesset member to place a Christmas tree on prominent display in the parliament’s building.  MK Hanna Sweid (Hadash), sent a letter to the speaker Thursday urging him to order the placing of the Christmas tree “at the entrance [to the Knesset],…