Jafar Farah, Director of Mossawa – The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel

Joint List MK: Lieberman Doesn’t Miss an Opportunity to Incite against the Arab Community

Joint List leaders lashed back at Yisrael Beytenu’s racist chairman Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday, September 1, after the latter expressed outrage at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to transfer a budget supplement of NIS 900 million to Arab municipalities. Despite support for the deal among the top Arab leadership, Arab representatives told The Jerusalem Post…

Hadash MK Ayman Odeh, Chairman of the Joint List

Arab Schools Back Down from Strike after Meeting with PM

A strike planned for local Arab authorities and educational institutions on Tuesday, September 1, was canceled after representatives of the Joint List met Monday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. According to an agreement reached between the Joint List and Netanyahu, 600 million shekels ($153 million) will be gradually transferred as part of a five-year plan to local…

Jaffa Luxury Apartment Complex is “for Jews Only”

A new luxury apartment complex under construction in the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa is only offering homes to Jewish buyers, Channel 10 television reported last week. The “Yopea” project includes 63 housing units with a communal private courtyard, and is located in Ajami, in the southern part of the city. The alleged discrimination was discovered two…