Muhammad al-Qiq in Afula hospital on February 10, 2016

Supreme Court Rejects Palestinian Hunger-Striker’s Request to Be Transferred to Palestinian Hospital

Israel’s Supreme Court turned down a petition on Tuesday, February 16, submitted by Palestinian hunger-striker Mohammed al-Qiq requesting that he be transferred from Haemek Hospital in Afula, Israel to a hospital in Ramallah in the West Bank. Al-Qiq, a journalist, has been on a hunger strike for 84 days to protest his administrative detention without…

MK Aida Touma-Sliman and MP Khalida Jarrar

Military Court Sentences Leftist Palestinian Lawmaker Khalida Jarrar to 15-months in Prison

An Israeli military court in the West Bank sentenced Palestinian legislator Khalida Jarrar to 15 months in prison on Monday, December 7, following the conclusion of a plea bargain between the military prosecutor and her defense lawyers. Jarrar, who was charged with “security-related offenses,” also received a 10-month suspended sentence and was fined 10,000 shekels…

Israeli settlers at the Hebron Jewish settlement’s Purim costume parade on the city’s segregated Shuhada Street. Honenu attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir (Left), is wearing signs indicating that he is dressed as a hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner. February 24, 2013. A settler on the right is wearing a T-shirt of Kach, which is a designated terrorist group both in Israel and the United States.

Organization Providing Legal Services to Rightist Terrorists Receives Tax-Deductible Donations

Honenu, an organization that provides legal services to extreme-right terrorists and violent settlers, and which gives financial support to their families, receives tax-deductible donations recognized by both Israel and US tax authorities. Calling itself an “Israeli Zionist legal aid organization,” Honenu is based in Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement of 7,500 encroaching on and regularly…