Mourners as they attend a memorial service for 18-year-old Saji Darwish, who was shot dead by soldier in March 2014.

Dozens of Palestinians Injured in Clashes North of Jerusalem; Birzeit Students Injured during Rally

Clashes with Israeli forces left dozens of Palestinians injured in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem on Tuesday, March 10, Ma’an news agency said. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that nine demonstrators suffered injuries from live fire to their lower extremities, and one was left in critical condition. Activists told Ma’an that dozens of additional demonstrators…

Residents of Khirbet ‘Ein Karzaliyah after the demolition.

2nd Time This Winter: Occupation Forces Demolish All Structures in Khirbet ‘Ein Karzaliyah

For the second time since the beginning of this year, Israel’s Civil Administration has demolished all the structures in the Palestinian community of Khirbet ‘Ein Karzaliyah. In an operation conducted on Wednesday, March 4, Civil Administration bulldozers also razed the dirt road leading to the northern Jordan Valley community which is now no longer accessible…

Amid bulldozed homes in ‘Ein al-Karzaliyah, a Palestinian woman prepares bread for her family’s next meal.

Occupation’s Civil Administration Again Demolishes All Homes in Khirbet ‘Ein Karzaliyah

On Thursday, January 22, bulldozers of the Israeli Occupation’s Civil Administration demolished all the structures in the tiny, five-family Palestinian community of Khirbet ‘Ein Karzaliyah in the northern Jordan Valley. In the operation, all seven tents in which the families live were destroyed, rendering the residents homeless for the third time since January 2014. The…

A tent at Khirbet Susiya, Fall 2014.

Weathering the Storm; Barred from Building a Home

Day in, day out, the Palestinian residents of Khirbet Susiya see the solid, well-built permanent housing of the settlement of Susiya, established in 1983. Although there has been a Palestinian village in the area since the nineteenth century, the Israeli military displaced the residents from the original site of the village, declaring it an archeological…