MK Odeh: Only Arab Voters Can Curb Rise of Extreme Right

MK Ayman Odeh, the head of the Hadash-Ta’al alliance, predicted his faction would be a major juggernaut in post-election coalition jockeying, after the Joint List splintered into two separate slates Thursday night. Hadash and Ta’al submits on Thursday night candidates for Knesset ahead of November ballot (Photo: Central Election Committee) The fracturing of the Joint List…

The Stifling of Palestinian Civil Society Organizations Must End, Communist Party and Hadash

Occupation forces have raided the offices of six Palestinian human rights groups in the occupied West Bank that it previously accused of being “terrorist organizations,” a move decried by the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash as an “appalling attack on Palestinian civil society.” Property belonging to the prominent advocacy groups was confiscated and…

Protests in Israel Oppose Deadly Gaza War

Protests were held in several locations across Israel on Saturday against the Israel Defense Forces’ deadly operation ongoing in Gaza, launched a day earlier. Protests were held in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Shefa-amr, Umm el-Fahm, Sakhnin, Rahat, Kufr Yasif, Jaffa, Taibe and opposite the house of Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Tel Aviv. Hundreds gathered opposite…