Palestinians and international activists use makeshift bridges to cross the separation wall between Qalandiya and Jerusalem, November 14, 2014. (Photo:

Palestinian Activists Cross Separation Wall in Protest Action

Dozens of Palestinians and international peace activists crossed Israel’s separation wall on Friday near the Qalandia checkpoint as part of a series of non-violent protest actions to demonstrate solidarity with Jerusalem. Activists used makeshift ramparts and ladders, and cut through barbed wire to climb over the separation wall near the Qalandia military checkpoint, which is…

Factories At the Dead Sea (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Hadash blasts Sheshinski 2: State committee recommends a pro-capitalist approach to natural resource surtax

Arousing the ire of Hadash and environmentalists alike, the Sheshinski 2 Committee published its final recommendations on policies for taxing natural resources, softening its approach from a previous draft. Finance Minister Yair Lapid tasked the committee, headed by economist Eytan Sheshinski, a professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, last year with examining the…

Fascists beat Haifa deputy mayor during anti-war protest

Haifa’s deputy mayor and his son were beaten Saturday night when right-wing activists attacked Hadash and Communists activists protesting Israel’s massacre in the Gaza Strip. According to “Haaretz” and “Al Ittihad”, the right-wing activists had gathered in the area, burned a Palestinian flag and shouted “Death to Arabs,” and “Death to leftists.” They asked a…

A new report on crowd control weapons in the occupied Palestinian territories

A new report by “Who Profits” highlights three Israeli and international companies that manufacture “non-lethal” crowd control weapons. These weapons are currently being used by Israeli authorities and security forces, mainly to suppress non-violent demonstrations in the occupied Palestinian territories, in violation of the right to freedom of expression and association.   Despite the fact…