Protesters in London demonstrate in solidarity with Palestinian circus performer Mohammed Abu Sakha whose administrative detention has been extended for another six months by Israel.

Palestinian Circus Performer’s Detention Extended for 6 Months

An Israeli military judge confirmed on Thursday, June 16, the continued administrative detention of Palestinian circus trainer and performer Mohammad Abu Sakha for an additional six months until December 12, 2016. This followed the decision, subject to judicial review, by Israeli authorities three days earlier to extend the administrative detention of the 23-year-old Palestinian circus…

Palestinian women demonstrate in solidarity with Khalida Jarrar.

Occupation Forces to Release Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar

Israeli authorities will be releasing imprisoned Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar today, Friday June 3, according to the Arabic-language newspaper of the Communist Party of Israel, Al-Ittihad. Jarrar is to be released at the Jubara military checkpoint in the northern occupied West Bank district of Tulkarem. Official receptions for Jarrar are to be held Saturday and…

A demonstration in Tel-Aviv against outsourcing and privatization (Photo: Histadrut)

Labor Federation Okays Work Disputes against Privatization

Every day more government workers are rushing to join driving test examiners who continue to protest the Transport Ministry’s plan to authorize the privatization of driving license testing. Several weeks ago, the ministry advertised a tender for private groups to test prospective drivers on their on-road skills. According to Histadrut Chairman Avi Nissenkorn: “We cannot…

Israeli soldiers carrying the corpse of Abd al-Fatah al-Sharif

Palestinian Autopsy Observer: Fatal Shot Was That of Suspected Soldier

The autopsy conducted on the body Abd al-Fatah al-Sharif on Sunday, April 3, confirmed that the 21-year-old Palestinian assailant in Hebron was still alive before a bullet fired point-blank at his head by an Israeli soldier killed him, according to a statement from the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. The Palestinian physician, Dr. Rayan al-Ali, who attended al-Sharif’s autopsy,…