In February 2011, Israeli occupation forces demolished seven homes and two water cisterns and tore up much of the agriculture land of a small Arab-Bedouin community next to Susiya in the South Hebron Hills. The families whose homes were demolished subsequently crowded into a small cave to seek shelter and sleep. The Red Cross attempted bringing aid and supplies to the families, but was barred by the Israeli Army.

Supreme Court Hearing on Palestinian Village of Susiya Postponed

A postponement has been declared for the hearing by Israel’s Supreme Court of the appeal by the Palestinian residents of Susiya which had been scheduled for Monday, August 3. The appeal involves the rejection by the Planning Committee of Israel’s occupation Civil Administration of the master building plan submitted by the residents of the village. Following this rejection, Israel…

Hundreds of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists march to demand that Israel not demolish Suyisa, South Hebron Hills, July 24, 2015.

Hundreds Protest Forced Transfer and Destruction of Palestinian Village of Susiya

Over 500 Palestinian, Israeli and international activists descended on the Palestinian village of Susiya on Friday, July 24, to protest its imminent demolition and the forced transfer of its residents. Among the demonstrators: members of “Combatants for Peace,” “Rabbis for Human Rights,” and Hadash-Communist Party of Israel. The activists marched through the village, stopping at…

MK Ayman Odeh during a Hadash meeting in the Galilee

Joint List Leader MK Ayman Odeh Meets Netanyahu

Two months after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his racist Election Day remarks that Arab voters were “voting in droves,” he met with Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh on Thursday, May 21, to discuss plans for increasing government spending in the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel. Odeh, who heads the 13-seat Joint List that groups…