"No to annexation", a Hadash poster in the demonstration held last Saturday evening, June 6, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square where several thousand protesters participated

The Palestinian People’s Struggle Stands to Gain Increased Impetus

As Israel’s far-right government undertakes the annexation process of West Bank settlements and interconnecting roads as well the Jordan Valley, the Turkish Communist website SoL News interviewed representatives of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Palestinian People’s Party (PPP), regarding Israel’s intentions, and the struggles of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples against them. SoL:…

Two of the Hadash activists who participated in the demonstration organized by the Black Flag Movement on Saturday evening, April 25, Tel Aviv's Rabin Square; the Hadash placard reads "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Thousands Denounce Netanyahu/ Gantz Coalition Deal in Tel Aviv

Thousands gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square Saturday night, April 25, for the latest “Black Flag” demonstration to protest the erosion of Israeli democracy under far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership. Speakers detailed for the audience how the new coalition deal threatens to trample Israel’s quasi-constitutional Basic Laws and destroys the authority of the Knesset. At…