Mourners as they attend a memorial service for 18-year-old Saji Darwish, who was shot dead by soldier in March 2014.

Dozens of Palestinians Injured in Clashes North of Jerusalem; Birzeit Students Injured during Rally

Clashes with Israeli forces left dozens of Palestinians injured in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem on Tuesday, March 10, Ma’an news agency said. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that nine demonstrators suffered injuries from live fire to their lower extremities, and one was left in critical condition. Activists told Ma’an that dozens of additional demonstrators…

Demonstrators protest against police violence on Tuesday at Tel-Aviv University. Among the protesters were Hadash MKs Muhammad Barakeh and Dov Khenin.

Thousands Protest against Police Violence in Rahat

On Tuesday, January 20, about 2,000 persons participated in a protest vigil in Rahat, following the deaths of two Arab-Bedouin killed there in two separate events linked to police violence during the past week. The protestors marched through the southern city chanting “Police out!” and “We’re not afraid of police terrorism!” Other protests were held…

A demonstration in Jerusalem, last November, against oil drilling in the Golan Heights.

Israel Drilling for Oil in Occupied Golan Heights

Heavily subsidized Israeli settlements, extensive military areas, and tanks dot the rolling green hills of the Golan Heights, Syrian territory occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East war. It is here that Afek Oil and Gas, an Israeli company, has been granted exclusive license to conduct exploratory drilling for oil. Afek is a subsidiary…