Woodside exit from Leviathan gas field “disappointing” local neo-liberals

Despite the Israeli neo-liberal governmental disappointment surrounding Woodside Petroleum’s decision to abandon the Leviathan gas field partnership Israeli energy analysts are confident in the developers’ ability to move forward, particularly with regional pipeline options. Following a memorandum of understanding with the Leviathan partners in February, the Australian hydrocarbon firm had been expected to take on…

MK Khenin: Full royalty rates must be applied to downstream products and not just to the mineral resources

Imposing a surtax of 42 percent on the excess profits of natural resource exploiters would boost the state’s coffers with NIS 500 million annually, an inter-ministerial committee concluded on Sunday. The Sheshinski 2 Committee, headed by Prof. Eytan Sheshinski, was tasked last year with examining the state’s royalty policies for the exploitation of natural resources…

Protests against gas exports

Hundreds protested in Tel Aviv against the neo-liberal government’s decision to export 40% of Israel’s natural gas reserves. Protesters blocked Ibn Gavirol Avenue and King George Street and waved signs reading: “Don’t give gas to the tycoons” and “Gas exports = national suicide.” Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the decision to export…

Social activists against gas export block Tel Aviv road

Hundreds of protesters blocked Tel-Aviv’s Namir Road last Saturday at noon  in protest of the State’s plans to export some of Israel’s natural gas. Hundreds  of social activists marched to Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s home in northern Tel Aviv and then blocked Namir Road, one of Tel Aviv’s main avenues. The protesters are claiming that…