Occupation Forces Brutally Attack Sheikh Jarrah Protesters

Israeli occupation forces on Friday brutally attacked Palestinian protesters and Israeli peace activists in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah, Zo Haderech and Al-Ittihad reported. Palestinians have been angry with the Israeli occupation over its unjust plans to evict Sheikh Jarrah’s residents from their homes to replace them with settlers, under the pretext that the Palestinian homes and lands were…

Occupation Forces Lock Down East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood

Israeli occupation forces imposed on Thursday evening a nearly full lockdown of occupied East Jerusalem’s highly-tense Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, shortly after dozens of local Palestinian citizens and Israeli peace activists supporting them in the neighborhood were assaulted by the forces. WAFA correspondent said Israeli Police physically assaulted Palestinians and solidarity activists outside the home of…

NGOs: Israel’s Development of E1 Zone Will Thwart Palestinian State

The construction of 3,500 settler homes in E1 zone between Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley is designed to thwart Palestinian state, architect Uri Reicher testified this week at the Higher Planning Council of the Israeli occupation Civil Administration hearing on the project. “Israeli construction on E1 harms Palestine’s future growth potential and therefore closes the…

Children from the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar look on as a bulldozer makes preparations for an access road to be used by Israeli forces in the "imminent evacuation and demolition" of the West Bank hamlet, July 4, 2018.

Israeli Official: “We Have No Plans to Limit Settlement Construction”

Despite the change of administration in the United States, Israel’s settlement building policies in the occupied Palestinian territories will remain largely unchanged, an Israeli government official has told The Times of Israel. The official said that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s new government will operate based on the understandings his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu reached with former…